Who we are
About the museum
The park-museum „Vladislav Varnenchik” is a memorial complex, situated in the center of the battlefield, in the middle of an unique park on an area of 30 decares.
It is located at the western part of Varna at the place of the battlefield from 10.11.1444 , where the Polish- Hungarian King Vladislav Yagello lost his life.
In 2004 the museum and the exposition are entirely modernized.
The museum park with an area of about 30 decares is afforested with an unique vegetation and predisposes for a wonderful short relaxation.
The park-museum “Vladislav Varnenchik” is a branch of the National Museum of Military history – Sofia.
The museum disposes with a hall for temporary exhibitions.
Among the interesting exhibitions, presented in it to this moment , they are:
- “Historical medieval costumes”
- Exhibition- Printing of Varna’s graphic artist Borislav Kuzmanov
“Poland in the epoch of the Yagellons ”(made in the Museum to the Polish army in Warsaw) - The photo-exhibition “Knight’s skirmishes beside the fortress Varna” (photographed at the time of the recovery of the battle of Varna on 18th May 2008)
- The international exhibition “Warriors of freedom”, dedicated to the 130th anniversary from the Liberation of Bulgaria, etc.
- A special hall in the museum building is dedicated to the commander-in chief Yanosh Hunyadi.
- In the Exhibition hall Petar Dimkov are exposed personal belongings , photographs, orders and documents about the life and the activity of “cosmic Bulgarian” whom today we call The Healer.

What you will see
In our museum exposition are displayed the unique in the country knight’s armour from that period.
In the exposition every visitor has the possibility to see:
- arms and equipment from XV century, found on the battlefield (helmets, cross-bows, swords, shields, spears, etc.)
- paintings, sculptures, prints and other works of art, dedicated to the battle of Varna
- flags, models, tickets and coats of arms
On our territory there can be seen two Thracian mounds where a Thracian tomb from IV c. BC is situated.
In 1935 a token mausoleum of the perished 20-year-old King Vladislav Varnenchik is built above it.
The museum is open to visitors in 1964 in honour of 520th anniversary from the battle of Varna between the Christian armies of the Polish- Hungarian King Vladislav III Yagello and the Turkish armies under command of sultan Murad II.
In 1964 is raised a monument of Yanosh Hunyadi – commander-in-chief of the King Vladislav’s army, Transylvanian leader, regent of Hungaria from 1446.

Friends of the museum
- Кметство „Владислав Варненчик”
- Община Варна
- Районна администрация „Владислав Варненчик”
- Районна администрация „Младост”
- Полски институт – София
- Унгарски културен институт – София
- Сдружение за исторически възстановки „Чигот”
- Читалище П.Р.Славейков- гр. Варна
- Детска “Игралница-занималница”
- Агенция за социално подпомагане „Вижън”
- Дружество за българо-чешко и словашко приятелство
- Ротъри клуб
- Туристическо дружество „Вл.Варненчик”
- Пенсионерски клуб „Вл. Варненчик”
- Дневен център за деца и младежи „Св. Йоан Златоуст”
- Рекламна агенция „Индекс Реклама – Варна”
The Park-Museum of Military Friendship thanks its donors and friends, without whose support its activity would be unimaginable!
- Order of the Knights Templar
- Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform
- Prism
Park Museum „Vladislav Varnenchik“
Mailing address
Bulgaria, 9027 Varna,
55 Yanos Hunyadi Blvd
tel./fax: 052/ 74-03-02
Working time
Tue – Sat
10.00 – 18.00
Ticket sale ends 30 minutes before closing time
Mon – Fri: 9.00 – 17.30
If you have any questions, recommendations or would like to share with us your impressions of the visit to the Vladislav Varnenchik Park-Museum, please contact us.