The museum exhibition was created on the basis of documentary materials about the campaigns and the battle of Varna; weapons found on the battlefield and copies of objects, donated by the Military museums in Warsaw, Budapest, Prague, Bucharest and Belgrade.
Medieval coats of arms and flags, paintings and sculptures, knights’ armors and swords, chain-mails and maces, bombards, halberds and battle axes, bows and arbalests present the dark and glorious epoch of the battle of Varna of the European peoples.
The central place in the exhibition occupies the knights’ armor from that time.
Of great interest is the copy of a janissary uniform, offered by a donor from Istanbul in 2005.
In the exhibition you will see two-hand and one-hand Polish and Hungarian swords and a replica of the Polish sword for coronations “Shcherbec” (translated jagged) from 12th c.
Recently the museum collection was enriched with replicas of a Hungarian knight’s helmet and an exceptionally beautiful German helmet from the end of 15th c.